Easypurge APS User's Guide

01. Quick start - Run a Saved Purging Process


1. Press Machine

2. Then select the machine name

3. Press Continue

4. Press Purge

5. Select a purging process from the purge list (2.1)

6. Press Run

7. Follow the steps on the screen and press Run

If the machine signal cable is used to activate the APS, the system will wait for the input in this screen (9.31 Preform dosing). 

8. If you want to activate the Automatic Purging System manually, press start. 


02. Set up a New Machine


1. Press Machine

2. New Machine

3. New

In this screen 1.3. C Preform machine set up a name for this unit.

In the next screw you have to add: Number of cavities in the mould and the weight on the preforms.

4. Then press the save button  and then press continue.

The machine is now loaded in the Easypurge APS. 




03. Set up a New Mould


Create a new mould into a machine already saved in the APS.

1. Press Machine
2. Select the machine you want to add the mould into.

In this screen (1.3.c Preform Machine) all fields with a white background can be edited:

  • Screw diameter
  • The number of cavities in the mould.
  • Preform weight.

 3. Select Save as, and press New to confirm.

The new mould details can be confirmed pressing Continue in the following screen

04 First Purging Process Setup


1. Select Machine
2. Press continue
3. Then Purge
4. Name this colour change. Screen 2.2.c  Performs Parameters
5. Select Screw/Hot runners and then

Follow the steps to create the cleaning of the screw and the hot runners.

6. Select the machine time load and then press Save.
There is a minimum time load aloud determined by the pump maximum capacity. You might need to configure the Pet preform machine loading time.

7. Press continue.

Be aware that in this screen (2.3 Easypurge parameter) all fields with a white background are editable

Passes, Virgin and Dosing values can be changed at any time.

Restore the default settings of the APS pressing “recommended”.

8. Press the save button to complete the screw purge set up.

There is either the option to run the purge pressing Run or going back to set up a purge process for the hot runners.

9. To set up the cleaning of the hot runners press Purge.

10. In this dropdown, we need to select hot runners

11. Add machine time load.

When cleaning the hot runners is usually used half of the time that is used to clean the screw.

12. Press continue.

13. Press SAVE AS to set up this new purge.

If we press the save button, the purge of the screw that we created previously would be overwritten.

14. Press Accept to confirm.




05. Adding a New Purging Process into a machine


How to create a new purge Screw and hot runners

 1.Press Machine
2. Then select the machine name
3. Press Continue
4. Then Purge.
5. Add new purge.
6. Press New
7. Set up a name for the colour change and press Enter.
8. Select screw from the dropdown menu and press Continue
9. Select the machine time load and press Enter
10. Press Continue to move into the next screen
11. Press Save in order to complete the setup of the screw purge.

Create a new purge for the hotrunners (From the screen 0.c Preform program)

12. Press purge
13. Press Zone and Select Hotrunners. 
14. Add the purge time load. 
15. Press Continue to move into the next screen
16. Press Save as and then accept.



06. When & How to calibrate Easypurge APS

 1. Press the F1 button to go to the main menu and select Pump

Here we have two different options, one to calibrate the APS and another that allow us to verify the current status of the purging system.

2. Select the option Pump Test.

For example, at 50 percent of the pump capacity, in a time of 10 seconds the dosing system should dose 23 MIlimeters. In order to verify This, we will use a precision scale.

3. Press Start to run the test.

If we notice that the amount dosed is higher or lower than the portion intended by 10%, then we should calibrate the Easypurge Automatic Purging system.

4. Press back, and run the pump calibration program.

The calibration is carried out with 4 tests.

At this point, we should carry the test as we would be purging with the bottle at the left hand side of the APS and the precision scale at the right.

The first test is at 5% of the pump capacity. Then at 20%, 60% and the last one at 100%

5. As soon we verify how much liquid was pumped, we will add the amount dosified in this field.

We will take grams as Milliliters.

6. Then we go ahead with the second test.

We will repeat this process for every test. Finally, we will be able to see all the data gathered.

In the screen 6.5.2 summary you will be able to see the current values used by the APS, and the new values we have just added.

7. Press Save to calibrate the pump based on the test.






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